Kinkyboys Podcast

Kinkyboys Podcast@kbpod

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This podcast contains premium episodes, only available to premium subscribers.

65: When you’re a Dog, not a Puppy
Ep. 65

65: When you’re a Dog, not a Puppy

The wonderful Banjo joins us today to talk through many topics, but first and foremost why he considers himself a Dog, not a Puppy. We also go over banjo’s more […]

64: Kinky Business with Fetishdaddy Gear
Ep. 64

64: Kinky Business with Fetishdaddy Gear

This week Craig sits down with Ollie from fetishdaddy gear as we hear why and how he got into making fetish gear. Artwork by Matt spike You can find fetish […]

Halloween Bonus: Monsterfucking
Ep. 63

Halloween Bonus: Monsterfucking

This Halloween, we three hosts gather to discuss Monsterfucking. Orcs, Demons, aliens, tentacles and cryptids in depth. Links mentioned:  Orc Teeth:  Chris Drummonds sexy Satan statue Bouncer pup’s […]

63: Trampling
Ep. 63

63: Trampling

Logan joins our host Craig to talk the listeners through the fetish of trampling. What it is and how to get into it safely. Logan also talks about setting up […]

62: Kinky and Autistic
Ep. 62

62: Kinky and Autistic

Si from the teabags and joystixxx podcast comes over to talk about a very big, and very personal topic for the both of us. We go through how being on […]

61: Kink and Work
Ep. 61

61: Kink and Work

We look at ways to ensure two parts of your life don't clash, and what to do to keep yourself safe from employers finding out about your kinky life.

60: Help! My partner is Kinky
Ep. 60

60: Help! My partner is Kinky

Have you just found out your partner has a fetish that you previously had no idea about? We're here to help.

59: #FatBoySummer
Ep. 59

59: #FatBoySummer

With so many people putting on weight thanks to lockdown, we thought it’s best to talk about loving your body even if you’re not entirely happy with how it looks […]

58: SHAME!
Ep. 58

58: SHAME!

A listener email leads us to talk at length about internalized shame.

57: Pony Play with Mr Kristofer
Ep. 57

57: Pony Play with Mr Kristofer

The Internets favorite daddy Kristofer Weston joins us today to talk to us about his interest in pony play.

56: Listener Mail on Findom, Part 2
Ep. 56

56: Listener Mail on Findom, Part 2

Our second episode on our listener mail. We talk at length about if Findom is a form of sex-work and go off on a weird little tangent on bitcoin […]

55: Listener mail on Findom, Part 1
Ep. 55

55: Listener mail on Findom, Part 1

We received a lot of feedback about Buster’s Findom episode, so we have dedicated an episode (well, it ended up being 2 episodes long) to answer your questions and one […]

Episode 54: Hypno 2, Going Deeper
Ep. 54

Episode 54: Hypno 2, Going Deeper

We revisit erotic hypnosis and talk with David, a professional Erotic hypnotist, to pick his brain on the subject. David takes us through what hypnosis is, and the many ways […]